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发布时间: 2024-05-13 22:54:17北京青年报社官方账号

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"Germany is a captive of Russia because it is getting so much of its energy from Russia," Trump said, taking particular aim at the proposed Nord Stream II gas pipeline, which he has previously criticized.

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"From the minute we walk into an airport, things will be different," he said.

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"Goji berries are prone to pests, and we had to be careful to minimize the loss," Wang, a pest management technician at Ningxia Runde Group, said. "But it was impossible for us to find all the trees with pests in a garden so big."


"For each steamed rice in clay pot dish, we fix 300 grams of rice and 250 grams of vegetables," said Chang Le, one of Li's partners.


"Fifty of the top law firms in the world are our clients. Two hundred of the top 500 companies in the world are our clients. We don't negotiate with them. They pay a fair fee," he said.


